Monday, April 26, 2010

Too Close for Comfort

Two years ago when I was 7½ months pregnant I decided to take a quick trip home to see my family before the birth of my child. My doctor approved my travel plans and I booked my flight. The flight would take six hours and I knew I’d be uncomfortable because of my huge belly but felt there was no health risks involved. A few days before I was to leave my good friend called me and told me she didn’t think I should go out of town. I thought she was being a bit over-cautious but then she explained about my astrology reading. She told me that my personal reading stated that traveling at that time was seen as a huge danger and that I should stay close to home.

Certainly I was skeptical and kind of laughed it off but my friend was very persistent and came over to my house to show me the readings in person. She knew I wasn’t a believer in astrology but that didn’t seem to stop her at all. When she came over she showed me the readings she got for me and then had me look them up on different websites for myself. Every single reading I got for myself warned me to not leave home.

The night before I was to leave I couldn’t sleep and finally decided I would reschedule my plans for the following week. The next day, at the exact time I would be in the air with hours to go on my flight, I began to hemorrhage. I was rushed to the hospital where my daughter was born prematurely. Had I been on that flight it is likely that we both would have died.

Some people call that coincidence but I know, without doubt, it was an astrology prediction and I owe my life and my daughter’s life to my friend who was very persistent and knowledgeable concerning such things as what happened to me. That was enough evidence for me to become a full out believer and now I check my personal readings daily just to make sure I am on the right path.

I know astrology isn’t an exact science but it is a science that is being researched and practiced more strongly today than ever before. People are beginning to understand that it isn’t just a bunch of crazy people making guesses about life; they are people relying on the scientific data provided by the planets, stars, and the moon. All I know is it saved my life and my daughter’s life; that’s enough evidence for me.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

When You Need Answers

Life is full of questions and often we are very unsure about the direction we are supposed to turn. Many people have found a great deal of comfort in getting a horoscope reading to help them put the paths of their life into perspective.

There are many reasons why an individual will turn to astrology to find the answers they are searching for; one of the biggest reasons is for peace of mind. They may have a good idea as to how they should proceed in their life but want a confirmation from somebody they aren’t personally close to. Getting an outside confirmation helps to give the individual confidence in the decisions they make and they can move forward with self assuredness.

Another reason individuals seek astrological advice is to find confidence in their love life. So many people have been hurt in their past relationships and they just don’t want to make another mistake. Love compatibility readings are very popular and many people find a great deal of comfort knowing if they are making the right choice in a partner or not. The phrase “Once bitten, twice shy” is a very true statement and so many people just don’t want to risk another broken heart from picking the wrong person in their life.

With the convenience of astrology online websites more and more people are turning to the professionals to get a complete astrological reading concerning the paths of their lives. What once was considered taboo is now a very accepted scientific analysis based on the zodiac. It is no longer thought to be a silly side show practice as the science of astrological readings is becoming more accessible to just about anybody who wishes to find out about their present and future. People just don’t want to leave much to chance anymore; there is just too much at risk to waste time on a dead end road.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Better than a Map

I have a friend who I’ve known for over ten years now. With every crossroad she has come to she would never make a quick decision; instead she would study her horoscope to see if the time was right in her life to make the correct choice. Over the years I have seen her accept and turn down dates and job offers based on her astrological readings and every time, without fail, she made the correct decision.

I finally let go of my skepticism and asked her to explain the process to me. She explained how the zodiac can accurately predict when the signs are right to move forward with something or when it is wise to step back and wait. She began helping me to understand my own astrological readings which have been a life changing event in my life.

She introduced me to an astrology online site that explains it all so well and I’ve been a believer ever since. When the man I was dating began talking marriage to me I got a reading about whether I should accept or not. I had some misgivings about being married to him as we had only been dating for less than a year. My reading explained that it wasn’t the right time to accept and that things were not in order with his life. Just a month later I found out he had been seeing another woman and had also been talking marriage with her. I could have made a terrible mistake and although this situation caused me some emotional pain I was very glad to have not made the wrong choice.

Astrology has become a big part of my life now and since becoming a true believer I feel my life is more balanced than it’s ever been before. It’s almost like having a glance into the future as to how certain situations will turn out and I’m very grateful to get all the help I can get.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Relationships of all kinds are hard work and require you to invest a very large portion of who you are into them. Far too many people feel like they can give only minimal effort to their relationships and if they don’t work out they simply move on. I, however, feel the relationships I have are sacred and will do all that I can to keep them healthy. Some may find it strange but I consult my horoscope daily when dealing with relationship questions or problems.

hen it came to love compatibility I did a lot of research concerning the astrological signs to make sure my sign was compatible with the sign of the man I was dating. More times than not if the signs were not compatible the relationship would not survive, but when I finally found the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with our signs matched perfectly and we’ve been going strong for 15 years now.

There are many astrology online sites and it’s important to find one that is reputable. The one I use is a free site and never asks for any type of payment. They just simply have the information I desire to help me make sense of different aspects of my life.

A lot of people just take a passing glance at their horoscope and never do any further research as to what secrets lay within. There is a great deal of truth involved in the astrological profile of each individual and if you take your time and research it you will likely find the readings to be very close to your personality. I was amazed at how accurate my readings were and have been following it for many, many years. Some of the toughest decisions I’ve had to make have been made after consulting a deep astrological reading.