Sunday, October 11, 2009

She's Got It! Venus in the Signs

Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun … an enormously hot glowing ball of fire, with a 224-day year. After the moon, it is the brightest natural object visible at night time, and it is named after the Roman goddess of love. Astrological readings teach us that we see many of these same planetary characteristics in people when Venus is in certain aspects to other signs at the time of their birth. The brightness of the star represents the importance of love in our lives … today we give you a quick overview of how Venus's position in different signs affects a person's love compatibility.
Venus in Aries
If Venus is positioned in Aries in a natal chart, these men and women will usually take a leadership role in their love life, and can be childish and a little impatient with their partners.
Venus in Taurus
If Venus falls in the sign of the Bull for you, you prefer a stable love life, a very physical relationship and a feeling of comfort in relationships. You definitely can’t push these people!
Venus in Gemini
These people will talk endlessly about their love lives, and are also very talkative with their partners. However you can’t hold them to everything they say! They like their relationships whimsical and light-hearted.
Venus in Cancer
Private, intensely emotional Venus in Cancer guys and girls see themselves as ordinary people -- they prefer eating in, rather than going out, and love to snuggle up on the couch with a good movie.
Venus in Leo
Dramatic, proud, boastful, and with high expectations, people born with Venus in Leo don’t sound like they have many positive qualities for relationships … until you delve a bit deeper! These erotic souls are vey warm-hearted and understanding.
Venus in Virgo
Perfection, sensitivity (to both their own feelings and that of their partners), and sometimes insecurity characterize the relationships of people born with Venus in Virgo. They often need space, and aim for perfection in their relationships.
Venus in Libra
Everything must be perfectly balanced for people with the planet of love in the sign of Libra in their natal chart. If anything is a little out of kilter (for example, if she has done the dishes four nights of the week for the last two weeks), he will know about it! On the upside, they give as good as they get (in a nice way) and are romantic and generous.
Venus in Scorpio
Intensity, commitment and sexual pleasure create the ultimately fulfilling relationship for Venus in Scorpio guys and girls. They are very loyal, and can be just as intense when upset as they can when feeling amorous.
Venus in Sagittarius
Idealistic, adventure loving Venus in Sagittarians mix the serious with the lighthearted, are friendly and flirtatious, and don’t like to dwell on things. They are generally a pleasure to be around!
Venus in Capricorn
Security, money, and wise investments (in love!) are important to those born with Venus in Capricorn. They plan ahead and have definite goals for the relationship, but don’t be tricked into feeling that they see you as a transaction … their feelings are just as real as the emotional Scorpio.
Venus in Aquarius
Open minded and future thinking, if your natal chart shows Venus in Aquarius you like unconventionality in their relationships, and like to make your own rules. Don’t restrict them, be their friend and appreciate their uniqueness.
Venus in Pisces
These dreamy, soft hearted people see others for what they really are. While they can be a bit vague in a relationship, they always have good intentions.

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