Thursday, April 15, 2010

Better than a Map

I have a friend who I’ve known for over ten years now. With every crossroad she has come to she would never make a quick decision; instead she would study her horoscope to see if the time was right in her life to make the correct choice. Over the years I have seen her accept and turn down dates and job offers based on her astrological readings and every time, without fail, she made the correct decision.

I finally let go of my skepticism and asked her to explain the process to me. She explained how the zodiac can accurately predict when the signs are right to move forward with something or when it is wise to step back and wait. She began helping me to understand my own astrological readings which have been a life changing event in my life.

She introduced me to an astrology online site that explains it all so well and I’ve been a believer ever since. When the man I was dating began talking marriage to me I got a reading about whether I should accept or not. I had some misgivings about being married to him as we had only been dating for less than a year. My reading explained that it wasn’t the right time to accept and that things were not in order with his life. Just a month later I found out he had been seeing another woman and had also been talking marriage with her. I could have made a terrible mistake and although this situation caused me some emotional pain I was very glad to have not made the wrong choice.

Astrology has become a big part of my life now and since becoming a true believer I feel my life is more balanced than it’s ever been before. It’s almost like having a glance into the future as to how certain situations will turn out and I’m very grateful to get all the help I can get.

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