Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It’s Written in the Stars

I’ve never been one to put much thought into an astrology prediction but a few months ago I tagged along with a friend when she went to get a reading. I was curious about it so I decided to get a reading for myself. I had always thought it was like you see in the movies where the lady is looking into a crystal ball and gives a broad prediction. It wasn’t anything like that; in fact, the person doing the readings was a middle-aged man who gave readings in his home.

The first thing he said was that he knew I was a skeptic and that I thought an astrological reading was fake, which was true. But then he started giving me some details about my life that were amazingly on target. The only personal information he asked from me was the day and month I was born and from that information he detailed a very spot-on reading concerning how I was doing in my life.

He showed me what it meant to get a personal astrology reading and that many people come to him for guidance when they are at crossroads in their lives. Then he told me that within two weeks I would be working a different job. He also said that I would experience a major traumatic event within a month. I still wasn’t putting much weight into his predictions and didn’t think much about it.

The very next week I was given a promotion and began working a different job. Two weeks later a very close friend of mine died in a car accident. Some people might explain the astrology prediction as coincidence but I think there is a lot of merit in astrology and the readings. I have made an appointment to go back for another reading; I’m just very curious and think there is more to this than I ever imagined.

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